
Azierta presents its project for the restoration of road surfaces in Cuenca
The General Directorate for Highways of the Ministry of Public Works has received the project written by Azierta for the structural restoration of 46 km of road surface of highway N-420, which connects Córdoba and Tarragona. This is a single carriageway road with two 3.5 meter-wide lanes and 1.5 meter shoulders on each side. This project will mean the upgrading of the highway on the section that crosses the province of Cuenca between kilometers 386+146 and 432+0000. Its total budget amounts to €5 million. Azierta has accumulated a wealth of experience in the study, layout and maintenance of roads, which has used in the service of this specific project so that it can be accomplished with full safety and technological assurances.
Very briefly, this project consists of four sections with different needs. The first section entails the digging of an existing concourse down to a depth of 0.98 meters below the existing ground level to be later filled with 55 cm of selected ground, 25 cm of artificial aggregate and 18 cm of bituminous mixture. The second section would require the milling of the road surface to a depth of 9 cm below the current road level and 4 cm on the shoulders. Then, the next section includes the milling of the current road surface to 5 cm below the current level, on both the road surface and the shoulders. And, on the final section, a 6 cm screed on the road surface without milling on both the road surface and the shoulders in those areas where visual inspection does not reveal stress on the road surface.
Out of the approximately € 5 million budget, the bulk of it, €3.3 million, would go to the firming of the ground. The project includes drainage at specific points of the highway, the installation of new safety barriers on a section which has not any (it does not address the upgrading of the current one as there are specific projects to that end) and the study of waste management.
The visual inspection of this section of the highway was conducted in several phases that continued until September this year on a highway with an average daily heavy traffic volume below 200. The results of the evaluation and analysis indicated that this road needs structural as opposed to superficial restoration. Because of the special deterioration of the sections affected, the project includes the partial elimination of the existing road pavement. There is however a section of the road that goes between km 407+570 and 409+555 that requires neither milling nor screed. Sealing the transverse and longitudinal cracks of the road surface as they are not the consequence of structural stress, will be enough.
Highway maintenance projects are among the main demands of the professional associations in order to prevent traffic accidents on the Spanish highways and precisely this very week the Ministry of Public Works through the National Society for Terrestrial Transport Infrastructures, has published in the Spanish Official Gazette the public tender of 41 new projects of this nature. The sections included in the tender are in 25 different provinces and the budget for the works amounts to a total of €103 million.
Very briefly, this project consists of four sections with different needs. The first section entails the digging of an existing concourse down to a depth of 0.98 meters below the existing ground level to be later filled with 55 cm of selected ground, 25 cm of artificial aggregate and 18 cm of bituminous mixture. The second section would require the milling of the road surface to a depth of 9 cm below the current road level and 4 cm on the shoulders. Then, the next section includes the milling of the current road surface to 5 cm below the current level, on both the road surface and the shoulders. And, on the final section, a 6 cm screed on the road surface without milling on both the road surface and the shoulders in those areas where visual inspection does not reveal stress on the road surface.
Out of the approximately € 5 million budget, the bulk of it, €3.3 million, would go to the firming of the ground. The project includes drainage at specific points of the highway, the installation of new safety barriers on a section which has not any (it does not address the upgrading of the current one as there are specific projects to that end) and the study of waste management.
The visual inspection of this section of the highway was conducted in several phases that continued until September this year on a highway with an average daily heavy traffic volume below 200. The results of the evaluation and analysis indicated that this road needs structural as opposed to superficial restoration. Because of the special deterioration of the sections affected, the project includes the partial elimination of the existing road pavement. There is however a section of the road that goes between km 407+570 and 409+555 that requires neither milling nor screed. Sealing the transverse and longitudinal cracks of the road surface as they are not the consequence of structural stress, will be enough.
Highway maintenance projects are among the main demands of the professional associations in order to prevent traffic accidents on the Spanish highways and precisely this very week the Ministry of Public Works through the National Society for Terrestrial Transport Infrastructures, has published in the Spanish Official Gazette the public tender of 41 new projects of this nature. The sections included in the tender are in 25 different provinces and the budget for the works amounts to a total of €103 million.