Freeway A-54 between Lugo and Santiago de Compostela
“It will reduce journey time in ten minutes, increasing the comfort for its users and improving road safety”
The opening of the freeway will get closer the capital of Lugo and Santiago and will contribute to the structuring of inland Galicia.
Azierta provided the technical services for the control and supervision of the longest of the three sections of the A-54, (the freeway that will connect Lugo and Santiago de Compostela) opened on March 30th 2015 by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works.
The section on which Azierta has provided its services is between Monte de Meda and Guntín, and is 10.8 km long. The construction company is Sacyr. The Ministry highlights as the strengths of the project its environmental integration with the recovery of indigenous species of plants and the preservation of the archeological heritage.
Technical characteristics
- Works include the construction of two junctions (a junction at Veiga and a junction at Monte de Meda)
- Provisional connection to the previous and following sections of the freeway and coordination of this section with the future freeway A-56 (Ourense-Lugo).
- Rest area on the right side of the freeway (towards Lugo).
- 12 structures;
- 2 viaducts and bridges
- 8 crossings over the freeway (overpasses)
- 2 crossing under the freeway (underpasses). Particularly relevant is the Viaduct over Ferreira River (kilometer point 1+250) that is 270 m long in a valley of gentle slopes and maximum height from the bottom of some 50 m.
• News, links:
Article from “La Voz de Galicia” (Spanish)
Article from “Fomento” (Spanish)