High Capacity highway to the north coast: Section: Celeiro-San Cibrao, Lugo (Spain)
“The high capacity highway will be completed by connecting Ferrol and San Cibrao”
The isolation of Northern Galicia from the rest of the region has come to an end with the construction of the North Coast high capacity highway.
At the completion of the works, the high capacity highway will connect Ferrol and San Cibrao, its final section.
Works of the final section of the highway between Celeiro and San Cibrao were supervised by Azierta and had a budget of €50 million.
Technical characteristics
- The section under this project goes from kilometer point 0+000 to kilometer point 7+900.
- It has VR-100 specifications and it is 8.34 km long.
- Number of junctions: 4 (at kilometer points 0+000 (Celeiro), 3+500 (Xove Oeste), 5+800 (Xove Este) and 8+000 (San Cibrao)).
- Total clearing volume: 2,313,343 m3
- Total slope volume: 2,157,815 m3
- Total length of viaducts: 1,300 m
- Number of viaducts: 3 (Xuances, Aguas Doces and Rigueira)
News, links:
Article form “Correo Gallego” (Spanish)