
Azierta defends a sustainable energy model based on photovoltaic solar energy
Azierta applies photovoltaic solar energy to the self-generation of electricity for plants (industrial, commercial, educational, etc.) and private and public organizations through the management and coordination of activities for each specific case. The consumption associated with this type of infrastructure clearly points to the change to renewable energy, especially photovoltaic solar energy due to its simplicity and consequent low cost of construction and easy maintenance.
We offer our experience to the clients providing all the necessary components to achieve the reduction or elimination of the electric bill, providing them with added value by demonstrating their ecological involvement and their commitment to the application of cutting edge technologies.
Our methodology allows the permanent evaluation of the client for the progressive development of the installation of a photovoltaic solar energy plant of medium capacity (generally between 1 and 10 MWh) specifically developed for each case.
We carry out the evaluation of resources and techno-economic feasibility, the determination and application of economic and fiscal incentive structures, the technical-economic-legal development of the project and finally, where appropriate, the Project Management of the implementation of the self-generating plant at the scale appropriate to the specific needs of each client.